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Expandable Applications

A.Expandable Applications

Means any work having significant expandability among services or content utilizing SDK products.

“Expandable Application” means any work having significant expandability among services or content utilizing SDK products. In particular, it includes the Derivative Work which uses and generates any indefinite numbers of models by adding or combining files or data (e.g. avatar), or, the Derivative Work containing multiple or other works in one title, or accessible to such works through one title (e.g. collection of relevant works or portal).

Review and License Agreement are required for every Expandable Application
In order for Live2D Inc. to sustainably provide SDKs and to keep the Live2D ecosystem healthy, every Expandable Application needs to be reviewed for approval and enter into a special Publication License Agreement before its release.These requirements are applied to all publishers including General Users and Small-Scale Enterprises who are normally exempted from the Publication License Agreement for non-Expandable Applications.

Conditions for review (examples)

For an Expandable Application to be reviewed for approval, the following conditions must be met.

  • * Please note that approval may not be granted for the publication of Expandable Application in all cases even if the above conditions are met.
  • * Approval may be granted to fully free-of-charge Expandable Applications in some cases if separately specified conditions are met.

Business Size of Publishers

Business size is determined based on the annual sales of the publisher. The business size classifications are Large-Scale Enterprise, Middle-Scale Enterprise, Small-Scale Enterprise and General User.

General User
(annual sales less than 10 million yen)
Small-Scale Enterprise
(annual sales less than 10 million yen)
Middle-Scale Enterprise
(annual sales less than 100 million yen)
Large-Scale Enterprise
(annual sales more than 100 million yen)
Basic initial fee(no restrictions on Publish Region) Free Free $333.55USD
Basic annual fee (per Platform) Free Free $1,601.04USD
Revenue share $2.00USD[¥300]/sale or 20% of Sales*, whichever is higher $2.00USD[¥300]/sale or 20% of Sales*, whichever is higher 5% of Sales* 5% of Sales*
  • * “General User” means individuals, students, groups, or entities with annual sales of less than 10 million yen.
  • * The license fees listed below are discounted on the condition that publishers agree to display the Live2D logo in their content, and feature the content on the Showcase page.
  • * Please refer to this link for information regarding the scale of the business.
  • * Real-time exchange rate from currencylayer for reference only. Billing is made in JPY or equivalent as stipulated in the agreement.

How to Calculate the License Fee

  • Total amount of initial fee = Basic initial fee*
  • *( Large-Scale Enterprise: $2,001.30USD[¥300,000] 
     Middle-Scale Enterprise: $333.55USD[¥50,000] 
  • Total amount of annual fee = Basic annual fee* × Number of Platforms
  • *( Large-Scale Enterprise: $8,005.20USD[¥1,200,000] 
     Middle-Scale Enterprise: $1,601.04USD[¥240,000] 
  • Total amount of revenue share =
  • Middle-Scale or Large-Scale Enterprises: Content Sales x 5%
    General Users or Small-Scale Enterprises: $2.00USD[¥300]/Sale or 20% of Sales* (Whichever is Higher)
  • * “Sales” refers to sales that result from selling or utilizing Derivative Work. In the case Sales are received via a third party or marketplace, it means the amount before commissions and taxes are deducted by such third party or marketplace. Advertising revenue is also included in “Sales”.
  • * Quarterly reporting is required for sales that are subject to Revenue Share.
  • * The initial fee and monthly fee will be charged from the month when the content is released.
  • * Real-time exchange rate from currencylayer for reference only. Billing is made in JPY or equivalent as stipulated in the agreement.
  • * The above prices and conditions may be subject to change according to details of the application and the result of screening.
  • * Licensee must notify Live2D Inc. within two months if its business size (determined by annual sales) changed. When such notification is made or when Live2D Inc. is able to prove that the licensee’s business size changed, the licensee shall enter into a separate Live2D Publication License Agreement based on the above price table retroactive to the month in which the business size changed.

If you would like to request a Release License Agreement for an Expandable Application, please use the form at the link below. Our company will contact you after checking the form.

Click here to view a list of Expandable Application titles.