
Try Live2D

Trademarks and Showcase Guide

Trademarks and Showcase Guide

This page provides simple guidelines for displaying the Live2D logo, mentioning the name, and showcasing.

The Live2D SDK Release License (Publication License Agreement) fees shown on this website are after applying the special discount for displaying the Live2D logo in your content and listing your app on our Showcase page. This page provides simple guidelines for displaying the Live2D logo, mentioning the name, and showcasing.
(If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.)


1. Display Live2D logo in the content

Display Live2D logo in the content

  • Display the Live2D logo on the splash screen or start screen upon launching your content. (One location is sufficient.)
  • For the splash screen, display the logo for at least 1 second not including the fade time (skippable).
  • The logo may be shown in full screen, windowed screen, or in combination with other logos.
Live2D logo download
  • Multiple Live2D logo color variations are available.
  • Click the button below to download the Live2D logo data.

Download Live2D logo

2. Mention “Live2D” in the store description

Use the word “Live2D” in the content introduction page of each publishing platform, such as the App Store or Google Play.(There is no particular prescribed format.)
  • “Powered by Live2D”
  • “This application was made using Live2D from Live2D Inc.”
Mention “Live2D” in the store description

3. Live2D Database Listing

Live2D Database Listing

Live2D Inc. manages the Live2D Database, a database of commercial works that have adopted Live2D, and the creators involved in their production. Its aim is to contribute to the future development of Live2D expression by preserving information about these works and sharing the wisdom of their creators. Please provide us with information about your work and its production.
  • Content information (name of title, introduction, platform, etc.)
  • Images / videos of content
  • Banner image
Please contact us if you need further details.

View Live2D Database

4. Tell us how we can improve

To provide better SDKs, we ask developers to take a questionnaire upon finalizing Publication License Agreement.

* The questionnaire is to be answered by a person in charge of using the SDKs. e.g. project manager, director, or technical leader.

Answer survey


List us in the credits

On a voluntary basis, we ask to display the Live2D logo or name in a credit section if any. (No particular format.)
  • “Powered by Live2D”
  • “This application was made using Live2D from Live2D Inc.”
List us in the credits
  • * For adult content, only #2 and #4 of the above Mandatory items are applicable. #1 and #3 are not required.

SDK Release License