Included in this version are enhanced model templates to boost work efficiency, the Apply 3D Expression feature, and more. The new AI features now make it possible to automatically generate Deformers and swaying motions. In addition, we have added External Application Integration, which allows external applications to communicate and interact with the editor.
Templates can now be applied by part, allowing for finer adjustments. In addition, we have added new versatile templates for greater convenience.
This feature allows external applications to communicate and interact with the editor. For example, it can set and retrieve parameter values for the model.
The feature also works with nizima LIVE. Give it a try!
Samples of other external applications are also available on Live2D GARAGE.
This feature allows you to generate 3D rotated shapes instantly. This lets you easily create a base motion when creating a rotational motion for X and Y.
This feature allows you to automatically generate full-body deformer configurations for humanoid models. Now, you can quickly create a deformer configuration right after importing your PSD.
This feature allows you to automatically generate the motion of swaying parts such as hair or small items. You can also adjust the sway on the dialog and apply it to blend shapes.
This Home screen can be used for file creation and management, and also contains comprehensive information for beginners and advanced users alike, including learning materials such as the manual and tutorials, official announcements and introductions to related services, and update information for Cubism Editor.