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The Live2D Copyright Simple License Plan

The Live2D Copyright Simple License Plan

A special enterprise licensing plan for supporting promotional activities

Medium or Large-Scale enterprises are required to sign a licensing agreement with Live2D when developing and releasing (publishing) content using Live2D’s copyrighted works. However, for promotional content (e.g., media interviews, demonstrations at exhibitions, etc.), there may be cases where businesses wish to temporarily use a copyrighted work before concluding a licensing agreement, or exceeding the scope of an existing one.

For this reason, Live2D has created “The Live2D Copyright Simple License Plan”, a plan that allows the temporary use of a copyrighted work for promotion purposes only, and exempts conclusion of a licensing agreement and the associated fee after review by Live2D.

Application and Review

In order to use this plan, please apply using the form below, as prior review by Live2D Inc. is required. If the application is accepted, a “Live2D Copyrighted Work License Notice” will be issued allowing use of the copyrighted work (exempt from the licensing agreement) limited to the temporary use (purpose, location, period, etc.) described in the application form.

Applicable Copyrighted Live2D Works and Exemptions

Live2D Copyright Applicable Agreement & Conditions Exemptions
Live2D Cubism SDK [Live2D Proprietary Software License Agreement]
2.1 The Customer may not Publish or Distribute Derivative Work for personal, Internal, Non-commercial, commercial, or any other purposes unless otherwise agreed in writing with Live2D. To Publish and Distribute the Derivative Work, the Customer must execute and enter into a separate
Exemption from the conclusion of the “Live2D Publication License Agreement” and associated licensing fee with publication limited to the contents of the copyrighted work license notice.
Live2D Original Characters [Free Material License Agreement] Use by parties other than General User or Small-Scale Enterprise User Purpose of Use: Internal or Supervision Purpose. In addition, Customers may also use the Material for temporary and specific promotional purposes that are approved in writing by Live2D based on the prior application of the customer, irrespective of commercial or non-commercial use.
Exemption from the conclusion of the Licensing Agreement for “Live2D Original Characters” and associated licensing fee for either commercial or non-commercial use, limited to the contents of the copyrighted work license notice.

Examples of Eligible and Ineligible Temporary Use (Promotions)

Examples of Eligible Temporary Use Examples of Ineligible Temporary Use
  • Display or demo at a short event (exhibitions, etc.)
  • One-off appearance in media (event coverage, news reports, etc.)
  • The period of use is not short-term (e.g. longer than one week)
  • The use involves distribution of content such as beta tests or trial versions
  • Promotion of adult content, prejudice, violence, or other works that violate public decency

Copyright Notice Guideline for Use of Live2D Works

When using Live2D’s copyrighted works with this plan, a copyright notice must be displayed in accordance with these guidelines.

1. Copyright Notice Display Rules & Content

Please place the brand wording below in a visible position according to your usage scenario.
As a rule, please use the wording without alteration.

If logo can be displayed

Uses SDK Real-time illustration animation by live2d logo
Doesn’t Use SDK Technology to Freely Animate Illustrations by live2d logo

If the logo cannot be displayed

Uses SDK Real-time illustration animation by [Live2D]
Doesn’t Use SDK Illustration animation powered by [Live2D]

2. Placement in Scenes


Example: Embedded in a demo animation / video content


Example: Placement of printed text in a visible location.

  • The color of the background and text must be highly readable.
  • The method of displaying the copyright notice can be digital or printed. However, for works using Live2D, scenes with Live2D used in advertisements etc., the copyright notice must be displayed at all times.
  • The Live2D logo display must comply with Live2D Inc.’s [Logo and Guidelines].
  • Please contact us individually regarding other use cases.